Grasshopper Recovery

Grasshopper is a 21st-century addiction treatment program, building upwards through knowledge integration.

We're building

A future for addiction recovery

Grasshopper modernizes peer-support programs, backing them with upgraded education and new technology; replacing and supplementing traditional treatment options for a better recovery. We believe it's time for an update, aligning addiction treatment with modern society through scientific standards and processes: a new guiding structure, without dogma.

We believe in

Strong principles

Grasshopper Recovery is an organization driven by scientific and human principles.
That means free access for every individual and non-profit organization.

Looking for those that

Collaborate and make a difference

To bring the world of addiction treatment up to date, we're building Grasshopper Research. This effort is committed to achieving the most comprehensive understanding of addiction ever witnessed. Grasshopper Research applies scientific principles in partnership with individuals, companies, and organizations across different disciplines that can contribute to addiction recovery, ranging from neurology to spirituality.


Please get in touch at [email protected] if you want to know more.

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Coming soon...

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We anticipate reading your message and will respond promptly. Meanwhile, we encourage you to explore our resources via the buttons on our website.